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App for activists
2 min read
Last update: Feb 27, 2024

Here you will learn about Acter. The app will soon be a very effective and secure tool for organizers around the globe.

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Acter is designed for activists and changemakers who are driving change but lack the right tools.

The app is built to protect the civil society.

Acter is changing the way we build, own, and govern critical infrastructure.

Built to protect civil society

How? Acter has:

🔒 Multilayered safeguarding

🔒Decentralized structure, public source & non-profit

🔒Built on the Matrix protocol, like Signal

The Matrix protocol delivers Acter a technology that is:

• End-to-End Encrypted

• Interoperable with all Matrix clients

• Bridging to existing platforms (e.g. Whatsapp, Signal, Telegram)

• Decentralized

Built for collective action

By using Acter, organizers and activists are enabled to

💡Coordinate across movements

💡Create events

💡Delegate tasks

💡Bridging to instant messaging apps, like WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram

💡Onboard and engage people easily

📲 No internet no problem

Shortly, Acter will also support offline capabilities in areas with little to no

Internet access or with internet shutdowns.

How to access

1. Download Acter

Acter can be downloaded here, as well as on any app store.

2. Create an account

Create an account on the app. Note that you are creating a Matrix account that you can use for all apps in the Matrix protocol.

If you already have a Matrix account, you can also use it to log in to Acter.

Use the token: dk_1106.

3. Use Acter

You can now create a workspace for your grassroots organization or follow your invitation from others.


The Actor Team is open to contributions. An easy way to contribute is to download the app and provide feedback on our Actor Workspace.

Acter offers co-creation sessions to anyone interested, especially activists and organizers.

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